Volk Quality and Service

No product is introduced into our portfolio unless it meets all the requirements of our brand.

As a dedicated supplier of disposable gloves and other disposable personal barrier products for the foodservice industry, we know how important it is to provide a top-quality product to protect both the public and employees. Our products are continually and routinely tested for promised strength and integrity, and meet the highest standards of quality. Guidelines and standards include those set forth by by the FDA and ASTM. All products manufactured for Volk Protective Products hve been tested before and after aging, and are in compliance with all regulations for food contact. Third-party agencies are employed in testing and verification of all of our products and facilities, including overseas. Test data is available upon request. Testing and certification guidelines include those set forth by the China Quality Certification Center for import and export commodities, and inspections by the American Institute of Baking’s Voluntary Certification program (“excellent” rating).

All plants and manufacturing facilities that product Volk Protective Products are randomly tested for quality control at both the plant and corporate office levels, and conform to Good Manufacturing Practices 21 CFR Part 110.10 through 110.40. Manufacturing facilities maintain a documented plan for responding to any product issue, from a single complaint to a full recall.

We stand behind all of our products.